Friday, October 26, 2007


kate hudson

paris hilton

sarah michelle gellar

tori spelling

freaks & geeks

jim carrey in the truman show

jennifer love hewitt

john kerry

george bush

mayor gavin newsom

sources: freaks&geeks, wtf, k.hudson, g.bush, g.newsom, s.m.gellar, p.hilton, t.spelling, j.kerry, hewitt, truman show,


edie falco

ryan phillipe & son

brad pitt & family

Patrick Dempsey & daughter

matthew broderick & son

sources: m.broderick etc, p.dempsy etc, brad pitt etc, r.phillipe etc, e.falco,
paulette goddard

elle macpherson

lindsay lohan

kiefer sutherland

chloe sevignty

jerry oconnell

leonardo dicaprio

jake gyllenhaal

kate hudson & owen wilson

audrey hepburn

shot from the movie "A Bicycle Thief"

doris day

sources: p.goddard, e.macpherson, l.lohan, k.sutherland, c.sevigny, j.oconnell, l.dicaprio, j.gyllenhal, l.wilson & k.hudson, a. hebpurn, bicycle theif